mindfulness.help builds emotional attentiveness so you can identify triggers of negative emotions. With consistent practice, the easy-to-use practical tools help you regulate reactivity to emotional triggers.

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mindfulness.help goes beyond breathwork

You’ll learn to use evidence-based practical daily tools to manage chronic distractions, anxiety, relationship difficulties, or conflicted self-identity. Individuals report benefits in their first session.

A client’s experience:

The first session with Celina immediately helped me release bodily tensions that I’ve been long confronted by. Her techniques of visualization and connecting with physical discomfort through breath and awareness were helpful. She also taught me some home practices to more effectively resolve difficult emotions when I’m triggered. I’ve benefited from becoming a lot more clear-minded. I’ve also managed to focus on day-to-day work and family priorities while I continue to uncover and release negative baggage from my past.
— SK Ong, Management Professional, Singapore