Celina holds space for me 100% of the time and allows me the space and capacity to process and progress. I feel like the same person, but I feel brand new at the same time. There’s a foundational and positive shift in my relationship with myself, and for the first time in my life, I understand what it means to feel truly settled within myself.

Katherine Kee, Professional & Mother of two

Learn to take charge of negative emotions with Dr. Celina Low Jones

Mindfulness freed me from debilitating imprints of physical and emotional trauma from my growing years and it’s now helping my clients regain a healthy sense of self.
— Celina Low Jones, Phd, CCTS-F, RYT200

Take Charge of Negative Emotions

Negative emotions and habitual reactivity dampen your work performance, relationships, and overall life satisfaction. Ignored over time, they sap your energy and self-esteem. Chronic negative emotions and somatic symptoms in adulthood are often related to harrowing or traumatic experiences from childhood and adolescence that were not addressed and treated.

Build Emotional Resilience

Use mindfulness.help easy-to-use practical tools for:

  • Negative emotions (take charge of anxiety, anger, fear, depression, etc)

  • Work performance (improve decision making, clear thinking & team bonding) 

  • Relationships (stay calm in tense situations & deepen connections)

  • Overall life satisfaction (enrich your sense of self)

Start Your Personalized Journey

Start your resilience journey with Celina and learn how to effectively regulate difficult emotions, build intentionality, strengthen awareness of yourself and others, and live with wisdom and compassion.